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General ATV / UTV Foro exclusivo para motos de 4 ruedas y Side by side o UTV.

Antiguo 02-02-2024, 14:21:44   #1
Fecha de Ingreso: Jan 2024
Edad: 34
Mensajes: 3
Predeterminado Full utv windshield vs half windshield

I’ve always ran a full utv windshield on previous machines but those were always far less sporty and I usually rode alone. Here in N. Michigan we have anything from mud, rock, dunes, dirt, snow etc. Now that more friends and family have machines we’ll be riding in groups a little more often. Just curious what you guys prefer. I see a lot more half windshields than full on the x3 and I’m used to dirt bikes and snowmobiles so dressing appropriately and wearing a good helmet/goggle is no problem for me, I just want to hear some pros and cons. Thanks
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